TARCFest XIX: Saturday, April 12, 2008
TARCFest XIX, “Florida’s Friendliest Tailgate” is coming soon! The date for the eighteenth Tampa Amateur Radio Club Tailgate is Saturday, April 12, 2008. Set up for tailgaters begins at 7:00am and trading opens up at 8:00am to the buyers. The tailgate runs usually until about 1:00pm or until the last lie is told or last boatanchor sold. Talk In will be on the 147.105 repeater (PL 146.2). All are welcome.
This will be our nineteenth tailgate and each one has been fun and exciting. Each TARCFest continues to get bigger with record numbers of sellers and buyers. This April the traders will once again gather under the shade trees at the clubhouse to wheel and deal.
Admission will be $2 per person with children 12 and under free. Those who wish to set up for tailgating will be charged an additional $3. Plenty of spaces will be available in the tailgate area for sellers. And of course, free parking for the buyers. There are a limited number of spaces inside with indoor tables at $15.00 in advance. For table reservations or for further information, please contact:
Bill Bode, N4WEB
14302 Capitol Drive
Tampa, FL 33613
Phone: 813-382-9262
Fax: 813-878-7954
For a map and driving directions, see below or click here.
We look forward to the same big crowds we had last TARCFest and, as always, hamburgers, hot dogs, specialty sandwiches and liquid refreshments will be available throughout the morning.
Come for the fun, come for the deals. Come to TARCFest XIX!
Directions: From I-4 Take the Hillsborough Avenue (US 92) exit west to 22nd Street and turn North on 22nd Street, AROC is located at on the right at the end of 22nd Street.
From I-275 take
the Sligh Avenue exit east to 22nd Street and turn North on 22nd Street,
AROC is located at on the right at the end of 22nd Street.
From I-75 take I-4 west to Hillsborough Avenue (US 92) exit west to 22nd Street and turn North on 22nd Street, AROC is located at on the right at the end of 22nd Street.
See you there.